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7 ideas to make a positive change for Mental Health Awareness Day

This World Mental Health Day 2020 has been said to be the most important one yet. Covid-19 may be a physical illness, but it has also hit mental health hard. We know that the levels of anxiety, isolation and the uncertainty experienced have become widespread. Additionally, we believe that prioritising mental health has never been more important, that’s why this year we want to bring everyone together to mark the day by each doing one thing for better mental health.

The World Health Organisation recognises World Mental Health Day on 10th October every year. This year’s theme set by the World Federation for Mental Health is ‘mental health for all’.

Mental health problems affect around one in four people in any given year.

Our mental health is just like our physical health, everybody has it and we need to take care of it. They can range from problems, such as depression, anxiety, trauma-related disorders and addictive behaviors, to rarer problems such as schizophrenia, eating disorders and bipolar disorder.

Watch this animation from Mental Health Charity, Mind who explains what mental health problems are and how they can affect us.

How do I support someone who may have Mental Health problems?

When you are aware there is an issue it’s important not to wait and hold off speaking with them. You don’t want to wait and hope they come to you and lose valuable time in getting them the support they need. Talking to someone is the first step to take when you know they are going through a hard time. Because in this way, you can find out what is troubling them and what you can do to help. suggests “let them lead the discussion at their own pace. Don’t put pressure on them to tell you anything they aren’t ready to talk about. Talking can take a lot of trust and courage. You might be the first person they have been able to talk to about this.”

We want to encourage you to get involved in Mental Health Awareness Day. Below are ways in which you simply can.

Join us for a FREE Instagram Live mat class on Friday 16th October at 8:30AM (GMT) called No Reformer? No Problem! On The Sports Edit Instagram Account – All we ask is that you donate to one of our favorite charities that help mental health:

7 ideas to make a positive change for Mental Health Awareness Day:

1. Encourage someone to do a DPTV class with you

We all know that exercising is a great stress release. We’re currently doing a free 14 days trial.
Here is a list of feel-good classes that can help with stress:

  • Power Push With Zoe – A class that nods to the complex training method. Engaging those fast twitch muscle fibres by combining explosive power moves, get ready to work and release some tension!
  • Feel Good Friday – A 40 minute restorative class set at a slower pace, for those times when you still want to move and workout, but just less intensively!
  • No Reformer? No Problem! – Fab if the person you’re working-out with doesn’t have a reformer. Using sliders and resistance bands to mimic the reformer machine, this 40 minute mat class is a fun replica of a dynamic reformer class.
  • Restorative Reformer – This class has been created to help you restore balance and find your center.

We’re a fan of boosting those great endorphins. Infact, according to WebMD Endorphins can “trigger a positive feeling in the body, similar to that of morphine. For example, the feeling that follows a run or workout is often described as “euphoric.” That feeling, known as a “runner’s high,” can be accompanied by a positive and energizing outlook on life.”

2. Send that special someone a feel-good care package. Fill it with everything that will make their day, whether that’s a soothing facemask, bath salts, their favorite chamomile tea, or even a pilates accessory!

  1. Host a virtual afternoon Tea & Talk with friends, family, colleagues or as one-on-one video call with someone who may need a good pick me up!
  2. You can participate in Virtual Run 2020! Using the exercise training app and raise money for the Mental Health Foundation and ask people to sponsor you.
  3. Teach your skills. Are you qualified in anything? Why not teach a class online and ask each student to donate a certain amount. They learn a new skill whilst donating towards Mental Health Research.
  4. Schedule a walk or jog with a friend. Also a great way to encourage someone to get out of the house and get talking. In-fact we were delighted to hear that in Scotland GP’s now offer “nature prescriptions to patients to help treat mental illness, diabetes, heart disease, stress and other conditions.” Getting outdoors and into nature if you’re feeling ‘stuck’ at home has never been more important.
  5. Add posters which raise awareness for Mental Health Awareness Day to your studio or workplace, download them here. Make these places a safe space to talk.

Support it There for You

We know some of these steps can sometimes trigger emotional responses.

If you are worried about someone you know – their mental or emotional state, please be aware that you can contact Samaritans completely confidentially and free of charge by calling 116 123 (UK) or if you’re in America, call the Samaritans branch in your area or 1 (800) 273-TALK.

We are also well aware that people’s relationships with food may vary. If Tea & Talk triggers a negative reaction for someone with an eating disorder, we recommend contacting Beat on 0808 801 0677 (UK).


  • Mental Health website, How to support someone with a mental health problem
  • McArthur D, et al. (2014). Factors influencing adherence to regular exercise in middle-aged women: A qualitative study to inform clinical practice.
  • S.Carrell, The Guardian website, 5th October 2018, Scottish GPs to begin prescribing rambling and birdwatching

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